Tim Bowness announces new album ‘Powder Dry’ and single “Rock Hudson”

Tim Bowness announces new album ‘Powder Dry’ and single “Rock Hudson”

Tim Bowness has announced a new album ‘Powder Dry,’ his first for his new label Kscope, due out on August 16. With the announcement comes the new single “Rock Hudson” which you can check out here:

“Like all of the album “Powder Dry”, the song resulted from an attempt to capture a fleeting feeling as accurately as I could. This time the mood was dark, and there’s something of the spiky Post-Punk music of the early 1980s that captivated me as a teenager in the mix.

“Solo album #8 features me at my most ‘Pop’ and my most experimental (and somewhere in-between, of course). The process of making “Powder Dry” was one of discovery. Meanings sometimes only revealed themselves in retrospect, influences I didn’t know I even had occasionally appeared out of nowhere. Every song felt like a new beginning.

I have to thank Brian Hulse, Peter Hammill, Chris Hughes and Steven Wilson for encouraging me to pursue this solo solo venture I otherwise may not have considered. This time – as the Hollywood movie cliche goes – it really is personal.”

Pre-order the album here: https://TimBownessKscope.lnk.to/Powder_Dry

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