Dilemma on their new album The Purpose Paradox and their favorite Prog Metal albums (Interview)

DILEMMA have just released their third album ‘The Purpose Paradox.’

The Dutch progressive rock band DILEMMA have just released their third album, ‘The Purpose Paradox.’ The band has worked hard to craft a sound that is completely in tune with the times: modern, melodic prog with inventive time changes, powerful vocals, atmospheric solos, a mix of influences from pop, rock, and metal, and a drummer on steroids.

“With this concept album, we hope not only to bring great joy to our current fans once again but also to reach new listeners who may appreciate our music. The band sounds more energetic, raw, and technical than ever before, without losing the distinctive sound that makes DILEMMA who we are. As writers and musicians, we’ve used our creativity to create something truly special (one story, 9 tracks, and a shitload of notes). Our mission is accomplished when listeners enjoy ‘The Purpose Paradox’ as much as we enjoyed the journey to this final result. We also can’t wait to perform the songs from the album live. Let’s rock!”

We asked them a few questions about the new album.

TPR: Why the long break between albums?
Robin Z (Dilemma): We are just five musicians with day jobs, and some of us have families too. Next to that, when we come up with a new album we really want it to be special. So sometimes it takes some time before everything comes together the way we hope for. In the process of the album, DILEMMA also changed singers, which took a while. Hopefully our next album will be produced in a shorter amount of time. We’ll do our best!

How was it working with new singer Wudstik and how did it influence the music this time around?
Working with Wudstik (Jermain van der Bogt) is always a pleasure. He is a musical genius, not only as a singer and frontman. His love for great melodies and harmonics always make the rest of us smile. Just like his amazing vocal abilities, it’s never a dull moment when Wudstik is around making noises and jokes. His influence is all over the place on The Purpose Paradox, without Jermain’s ideas and additions songs like Electra, Glow and Outer Light would have been much different. And the emotional way he sang Thunder still amazes us.

What inspired the story on the album?
A combination of real life events and fantasy. Like all of us in this 21st century, we can struggle with finding our place in this world. Whether it’s your day job, your relationship, the things you long for or believe in, doubts can always appear like clouds in front of the sunlight. The protegonist of the story on The Purpose Paradox, called Neon, embarks on a journey that – in the end – leads him to where he belongs. Quite a familiar place actually, because sometimes the things we look for are the things that found us first. While writing the songs, we discovered that they would fit in a storyline like this perfectly. So we decided to write it.

A few of the band shared their favorite Prog Metal albums below:

Robin Z: Chroma Key – Dead Air For Radios
For me the dark, distorted, sad and minor atmosphere on Dead Air For Radios paradoxically makes it the ultimate feel-good album: the melodies are haunting, Kevin Moore’s playing is beautiful and his emotional yet quite monotone voice fits the music perfectly.

Wudstik: Spock’s Beard – Snow
Snow, who grapples with his growing ego and spirituality, embarks on an adventurous double album filled with upbeat music and beautiful ballads.

Collin Leijenaar: The Intersphere – Relations In The Unseen
An amazing German band that, in my opinion, doesn’t get nearly enough recognition. Their songs are packed with killer hooks, groove, riffs, and power. Drummer Moritz Müller delivers incredible tasty grooves and fills that really stand out. All of their albums are fantastic, but this one holds a special place in my heart as it was the first I ever heard from them.

Paul Crezee: Porcupine Tree – In Absentia
Beautiful riffs and melodies, played with such passion. The mix is absolutely stunning!

Get the album here: https://shop.dilemma.band/

Released on September 20th, 2024

2 I AM NEON 6:10
3 ELECTRA 5:59
4 THUNDER 6:12
5 ALLIES 6:08
7 GLOW 5:18
8 CITIES 5:06

The band:
Wudstik – vocals
Paul Crezee – guitars
Kristoffer Gildenlöw – bass
Collin Leijenaar – drums
Robin Z – keyboards

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